Black Friday Deal Sought By INEOS

The latest tactic by INEOS to win the hearts and minds of the local communities at Marsh Lane, Derbyshire and Harthill with Woodall, South Yorkshire who are under threat from INEOS to carry out fracking in their villages is to lobby the UK Government to bypass local council planning departments and appeal to their friends in government
Despite the fact that the majority of local people and local councils are opposed to Fracking, INEOS intend to bypass the rule of law and the will of the people to get their own way.
INEOS arrogantly suggests that local council's are not capable of making "..decisions of national importance at a local level" unlike INEOS who knows what is best for local communities and the nation.
Lynn Calder, INEOS Shale, Commercial Director said;
"Whilst our consultation process has always prioritised local people, and we will continue the dialogue about our plans at a local level, we cannot wait indefinitely for these decisions. Everyone will benefit from the provision of scientific data.
"Ms Calder remarked that INEOS "has always prioritised local people." Hmm, how soon she forgets about INEOS putting up Court Injunctions in fields threatening locals with Court Action if they stray off public footpaths where they have walked for generations.
Regards "Everyone will benefit from the provision of scientific data" INEOS, like their friends in Government still refuse to look at overwhelming worldwide scientific data that proves that Fracking is dangerous in favour of their own blinkered, biased and self-appointed research.
Will Marsh Lane and Harthill with Woodall be sacrificed by the Government? You don't need to be an INEOS scientist to know the answer to that one!

From: Calder, Lynn <>
Sent: 24 November 2017 16:46:02
Cc: Grant, Gordon
Subject: Shale Gas Planning Appeal at Bramleymoor Lane Site
Dear Cllr. Gare,
I wanted to write to you today to tell you personally that after much consideration, INEOS Shale has taken the decision to ask the Planning Inspectorate to intervene in two applications for test drilling. The work we want to carry out at Marsh Lane in Derbyshire and Harthill near Rotherham would involve straightforward coring wells. These would provide geological samples which would also then be available for the nation to use as part of a wider evidence base for any other future projects.
With the statutory period for determining the applications long finished, we will be asking for the decisions to be made by the national planning body rather than the local council. We came to the conclusion that we needed to appeal directly to the Planning Inspectorate after we granted numerous extensions and established that, not only were decisions overdue, but also that they would still not be forthcoming in the short term.
It is important to remember that this work would bring inward investment into the local area with the possibility that the sites could also be used for shale gas development if the surveys are successful. Given the recent manufacturing decline across the region as a result of, among other things high energy costs, securing a local supply of energy could be transformational for the local economy providing both jobs and investment.
I want to reassure you that this decision has not been taken lightly, and that we understand the pressures on Councils to make decisions of national importance at a local level. Nevertheless, because of unreasonable delays we have been left without an option if there is to be progress on these important projects. Particularly in the context of the commitments we have made to Government via our licence obligations. Whilst our consultation process has always prioritised local people, and we will continue the dialogue about our plans at a local level, we cannot wait indefinitely for these decisions. Everyone will benefit from the provision of scientific data.
We will continue to work closely with you and local communities to explain the benefits of shale gas, as well as reassure you that this industry can be developed safely and can be of benefit to all.
Yours sincerely,
Lynn Calder
INEOS Shale – Commercial Director
INEOS | 38 Hans Crescent | London | SW1X 0LZ | E: | W: